Blog 50 – Use The Same Money For Both College Education And Retirement

After many years of designing Infinite Banking policies, the number one concern of most of our clients is how they can assist their children with their college education without affecting the retirement plans for themselves.

As you already know, the advantage of Infinite Banking policies is the fact that you can reuse the cash value in accomplishing different goals at different time frames.

For example, when your children are ready to start college, you can obtain loans of up to 95 to 98% of your cash value to pay for college. The loan money comes from the general account of the insurance company with your cash value only used to collateralize your loan. Your cash value meanwhile continues to compound with time while receiving guarantee interest and dividends.

If you properly educate your children on the value of money and explain to them the advantage of a “family bank”, as they become financially independent when they obtain jobs after college graduation, they would have no problem repaying the family bank loans at the same interest rate that the government or financial institutions would charge them. Instead of making the financial institutions rich, they would make your family bank richer and ready for your retirement.

If you would like to learn how you can grow a substantial amount of cash that you have access to at any time without penalties, is unrelated to the stock market, and will generate income that is not included in your tax return, visit our website at  or feel free to email us your questions at or call us toll-free at 1-844-443-8422.

Isis B. Palicio, LUTCF, MBA
Pedro A. Palicio, MBA, Ph.D.
Infinite Banking Concepts® Authorized Practitioners

We are experts in designing high cash value dividend-paying whole life policies.

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