Blog 117 – Be Responsible When Taking Policy Loans
One of the great advantages of an Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) policy is that you have access to the cash value in your policy any time you need it in the form of a policy loan.
One of the great advantages of an Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) policy is that you have access to the cash value in your policy any time you need it in the form of a policy loan.
This is an article about Entrepreneurship. It is an economic article intended to briefly explain the organization of production and how the central role in this process belongs to the Entrepreneur, the men and women who invest in “capital.” Additionally, we discuss a few
misconceptions about the processes utilized by the entrepreneur in
assembling the various means of production, especially in the area of capital formation. Included are comments on corporations, the stock market, and government intervention in the market.
“Yes, man is endowed with the gift of reason, but he is also possessed of appetites and an aversion to labor, and too often his reason bends to his other characteristics. The failure of utopians to accept this fact, or accept man as he is, not as he ought to be, gives their schemes a dreamlike quality.” Aristotle