
Blog 114 – Where To Store Your Disposable Income

We call disposable income to the amount of your annual family income that you have left after you pay all your bills. Obviously, if you have nothing left, you need to increase your family income and/or reduce your expenses. You have to do this if you wish to be financially successful.

Blog 112 – Policy Loans Or Withdrawals?

A lot of IBC clients ask us if they should take a policy loan or a withdrawal when they need cash from their policies.

Blog 111 – Creating Sustainable Wealth Without Risk

Successful implementation of IBC requires patience, discipline and long-range planning as IBC is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme and it is not for the person who is always looking for instant gratification. By all means, spouse an abundance mindset and avoid a scarcity mindset.
Read “Becoming Your Own Banker” several times with an open mind as well as “The Case For IBC” and “Building Your Warehouse of Wealth”, authored or co-authored by Nelson Nash.

Blog 110 – We Develop Solutions That Create Value

“We Develop Solutions That Create Value” has been the tag line to our emails since 2008. That was the year when we decided to abandon traditional financial planning advice and concentrate uniquely in creating value by implementing the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC).

Blog 109 – An Infinite Banking Tax Strategy

This is not about “finding a tax loophole.” Rather, we are pointing out one option that people with large cashflows — such as business owners who annually make a large payment to the IRS

Blog 108 – Infinite Banking Policies Versus Qualified Plans

Control of your money: When you contribute to a qualified plan, the government, the retirement plan administrator and/or the employer, determines what you can invest in, how much you can invest depending on your age and/or income, when you can withdraw it, and what taxes and fees you’ll pay for withdrawing earlier. Of course, the government can and does change the rules!

When you contribute to an IBC policy, you and only you, are in control of your money. You determine how much to contribute to your policy, limited only by its design, and you determine when and how much you can withdraw or borrow from your policy. The insurance company that issues your IBC policy cannot change these rules!

Blog 106 – The Ins And Outs Of Policy Loans 

When you take a policy loan, the money does not come from the cash value of your Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) policy, but from the general account of the insurance company, and your cash value remains in your policy earning interest and dividends.

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