Infinite Banking Coral Gables

2024 November BankNotes

This is an article about Entrepreneurship. It is an economic article intended to briefly explain the organization of production and how the central role in this process belongs to the Entrepreneur, the men and women who invest in “capital.” Additionally, we discuss a few
misconceptions about the processes utilized by the entrepreneur in
assembling the various means of production, especially in the area of capital formation. Included are comments on corporations, the stock market, and government intervention in the market.

2024 September BankNotes

The average American citizen simply wants to be able to live a
peaceful life, be financially secure and debt free. Why then, do
so many of us fail to attain this noble goal and 98% suffer from
cash flow problems till the day we die? Is it ignorance? Is it poor
judgment? Is it our lack of time to properly research every aspect of
money decisions, or is something else occurring that we simply are
totally unaware of?

2024 July & August BankNotes

“Yes, man is endowed with the gift of reason, but he is also possessed of appetites and an aversion to labor, and too often his reason bends to his other characteristics. The failure of utopians to accept this fact, or accept man as he is, not as he ought to be, gives their schemes a dreamlike quality.” Aristotle

2024 June BankNotes

What lies behind all of this rampant corruption and impish display on
the part of so many financial elites. This is the question all concerned citizens are asking and many answers are pouring forth from the media to help us sort this out. But, at the end of the day, are we sure we really know who or what is at fault? Are we pointing our finger at the real source of the problem?

Blog 92 – Addressing People’s Concerns About The Infinite Banking Concept 

Capitalization Phase. The difference between the cumulative premiums paid and the cash values during the first few years of the policy is due to the initial cost of setting up the death benefit and the compensation to the financial professional who designs, sells, and will service the policy for years to come. This is what Nelson Nash calls “the capitalization phase of the policy”. It is the year that your IBC policy becomes profitable, and the profitability of your policy is contractually guaranteed to increase every year.

Blog 90 – Infinite Banking And High Inflation

With financial news reporting higher inflation due to our over-inflated government and too much money being printed, it is understandable that many people are seeking ways to personally combat the effects of inflation on their lives.  

2022 July BankNotes

After completing last Month’s article in the LMR on the multi-millionaire Spencer Hays, I was moved to undertake an extensive study on the one thing that he had obviously perfected the art of positive thinking.

2022 June BankNotes

Individuals who own one or several dividend-paying Whole Life insurance
policies that are designed in the special way advocated by Nelson Nash’s
Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) are often faced with a perplexing question
and a decision they must make whenever the need arises to purchase or pay
for something.

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