Infinite Banking in Coral Gables

Blog 116 – The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

We read “The Richest Man in Babylon” many years ago; long before we were introduced to the Infinite Banking Concept in 2008. The author, George Clason, is known for writing a series of informational pamphlets about being thrifty and how to achieve financial success.

2024 July & August BankNotes

“Yes, man is endowed with the gift of reason, but he is also possessed of appetites and an aversion to labor, and too often his reason bends to his other characteristics. The failure of utopians to accept this fact, or accept man as he is, not as he ought to be, gives their schemes a dreamlike quality.” Aristotle

2024 April BankNotes

One of the most compelling ways financial professionals explain the IBC concept is to compare it to one’s own private bank as Nelson Nash has done in his national best selling book, Become Your Own Banker.

2024 May BankNotes

Former Dallas Federal Reserve President, Richard Fisher, publicly dressed down President Trump in a recent interview with CNBC in response to Trump’s remark that he’s “not thrilled” about the Fed’s interest rate hikes. Obviously, Trump’s comment upset Fisher quite a bit and he told CNBC that
by making that comment “Trump is out of line.

Blog 110 – We Develop Solutions That Create Value

“We Develop Solutions That Create Value” has been the tag line to our emails since 2008. That was the year when we decided to abandon traditional financial planning advice and concentrate uniquely in creating value by implementing the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC).

2024 January BankNotes

A Business Credit survey1 conducted and published in March 2016 by
the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland,
Philadelphia, Richmond, and St. Louis reports that “cash flow” is
the number one problem facing small businesses with fewer than
500 employees.

Blog 105 – Characteristics Of A Good Infinite Banking Policy 

The first step in successfully implementing the Infinite Banking Concept is to read and reread Nelson Nash’s book “Becoming Your Own Banker” as many times as necessary until it becomes obvious to you that you should control 100% of your financing needs.

Blog 103 – Continuous Compounding Of Your Cash Value

The cash value in your Infinite Banking, or IBC policy, continuously compound. In fact, the cash value grows exponentially based on the interest and dividends allocated to your insurance contract. The meaning of exponential growth is that the growth is not the same every year but that it increases every year, and this is a very good thing!

2023 August BankNotes

“There are probably thousands of such
examples of misclassification that we run into every day but they
probably don’t increase the quality of our lives. Instead, they limit
our thinking and lead us to wrong conclusions. Words are powerful

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