
2022 March BankNotes

We must never forget that beyond all of
the outstanding attributes of a properly designed dividend-paying Whole Life
insurance contract and how it works, policy loans are a completely separate
undertaking and are a central feature of the Infinite Banking Concept.

Blog 56 – Efficiency Versus Flexibility In The Design Of IBC Policies

Those of you familiar with Nelson Nash’s “Becoming Your Own Banker” know that to obtain efficiency in the generation of maximum cash values in your IBC policy, you should design it as close as possible to the MEC line.

On the other hand, if you follow Nelson’s teachings, you also know that when you take a policy loan against the cash value of your IBC policy, you should repay your loan at an interest rate comparable to the one that an alternative source, let’s say a credit card, would charge you. The dollar difference between this rate and what the insurance company is charging you, should be deposited in your policy as an additional contribution to your PUA rider. This means that you should have enough capacity in your PUA rider to accept this additional contribution. But wait a minute, if you have built this additional capacity in your policy, it means that it is not as close as possible to the MEC line for maximum efficiency. How do you solve this dilemma?

Blog #49 – Questions to Ask AFTER You Apply For Life Insurance

Now we continue the conversation to discuss the questions and decisions that come into play during the application process. These questions are relevant to whole life insurance and may not apply to other types of life insurance, especially types with little or no cash value, or life insurance that does not guarantee the death benefit permanently. How will you know? Ask the questions!

November 2018 BankNotes

Individuals who own one or several dividend-paying Whole Life insurance
policies that are designed in the special way advocated by Nelson Nash’s
Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) are often faced with a perplexing question
and a decision they must make whenever the need arises to purchase or pay
for something.

Blog #45 – Where Should You Store Your Savings?

The answer is in an Infinite Banking policy. Nevertheless, most Americans put the amount they intend to save at risk by placing them in qualified plans, which are nothing more than investment vehicles controlled, not by you, but by the government, Wall Street and your employer. We would like to compare an IBC policy to qualified plans on four key elements.

Blog #44 – Private Lending: A Good Opportunity To Increase Your Wealth

Not only does private lending help diversify a stock-heavy portfolio, but through private lending, it is also very easy to diversify amongst different types of assets, or real estate investments, in different locations. 

Blog #43 – Cash Flow Is King

Have you taken a “30,000-foot view” of your finances lately? Is it positioned for the growth, strength, stability and cash flow you desire? To help you answer that, let’s examine asset allocation and diversification.

Blog #40 – Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Policy Loans

When you take a loan from your Infinite Banking policy, the money is lent to you by the insurance company and it comes from their general account. Your cash value remains in your policy and it continues to earn interest and dividends while collateralizing the amount of your loan.

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