
2022 March BankNotes

We must never forget that beyond all of
the outstanding attributes of a properly designed dividend-paying Whole Life
insurance contract and how it works, policy loans are a completely separate
undertaking and are a central feature of the Infinite Banking Concept.

2022 February BankNotes

We are specifically discussing a tax strategy that calls for taking the cash flows that are already earmarked for paying your taxes and re-routing them through a correctly designed IBC policy that has the capacity to adjust to your particular situation and provide the freedom to not be dependent on outside bankers. As before, I want to emphasize that this idea does NOT reduce your tax liability—I am simply presenting options for people to redirect cash flows that would occur anyway.

2022 January BankNotes

I can incentivize you do just that by showing you a way to fund a large
Infinite Banking Concept (IBC)-type life insurance policy, while using cashflows that are dedicated to paying your taxes.

2021 December BankNotes

A common method of showing the public the power of Nelson Nash’s
Infinite Banking Concept” (IBC) is to stress its feature of “constant
compounding.” In contrast to many other asset classes, dividend-paying
Whole Life insurance always increases in value. Indeed, some proponents of
IBC enthusiastically declare: “There’s nothing else like it!”

2021 November BankNotes

The central message of Nelson Nash in BYOB is that everybody needs to rely (at least implicitly) on financing for life’s major purchases. Even if you buy a car
with cash, you are forfeiting the opportunity of investing that cash and earning a return on it. So even people who always “pay cash” still experience the same implicit tradeoffs between spending now versus later. Therefore, Nash argues, the real question is whether you are going to obtain your financing from a bank controlled by outsiders, versus a bank that you control.

2021 October BankNotes

I spend a lot of time motivating difficult financial topics by constructing “thought experiments.” In a thought experiment, you can only focus on one or maybe two moving parts, while holding everything else constant. This is the
way to isolate the impact of the factor you want to understand. However, it means the whole exercise is necessarily unrealistic

2021 September BankNotes

In his classic work Becoming Your Own Banker, Nelson Nash claims that the standard approach to life insurance has things backwards. Consumers have been taught to get their desired death benefit for as little outlay as possible.

2021 August BankNotes

Nowadays the average American has been taught to believe that a very responsible financial strategy is to plunk as much of his paycheck every month as possible into a “diversified” and “conservative” mix of stocks and, if he wants to really play it safe, to mix in some government bonds. Naturally the acme of savvy saving is supposed to be a tax-qualified vehicle such as a Roth IRA for the self-employed, a 401(k) for salaried employees, or a 403(b) for educators.
In the 20th century, households used actual savings accounts at the bank—which were distinct from checking accounts. Households also invested directly in bonds and life insurance.

2021 July BankNotes

PART III Lesson 3 To Start Building Your Own Banking System Content: Page 42-43, Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition
Now, let’s look at Method E. We will call this twin “Insurance Sister.” She uses dividend-paying whole life insurance as a depositary of the necessary capital to create her banking system to finance her automobiles. She puts $5,000 per year into very high-premium life insurance with a mutual company. Recall the diagram back on page 41. (There are some exceptions to this requirement – there are some stock companies that have dividend-paying policies that perform very well).

2021 June BankNotes

When people first hear about the advantages of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), a typical reaction is to say, “That’s too good to be true.”

2021 May BankNotes

Of course, the importance of insurer selection must
not be underestimated. Life insurance involves a
long-term guarantee

2021 April BankNotes

The Modified Endowment Contract aka The MEC:  By L. Carlos Lara
For those of us who have read Nelson Nash’s book, Becoming Your Own Banker, or even for those of us who are just now entertaining the idea of doing so, the resultant understanding after reading it is that the platform used to set up the process for becoming your own banker requires a specially designed insurance contract. To be even more specific, it requires a dividend paying Whole Life insurance policy with a special codicil known as a Paid-up Additions Rider.

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